

Sunday Catch-Up

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Good evening! I thought I'd share with you a few of the photos I took this week. I didn't really have enough of specific days to warrant individual posts, but equally I really wanted to share them with you; including a trip to London, posh celebratory brownies and making friends in the park!


The Autumn Tag!

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Thank you so much to Lauren from High Street Hopes for tagging me in the Autumn Tag! I went on a walk around the park near my house this afternoon and managed to snap some lovely autumn-y photos, so it was perfect timing!


Sheepskin Tearaway

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Good evening! I hope you're all well and enjoying the onsets of Autumn! I personally love everything about it; hot drinks, snuggly coats and blankets, crisp sunny mornings, bonfires, candles... it's so therapeutic. As Michael Scott says, it's the most 'contemplative of seasons' (US Office fans will understand). Today I'm here to show you my newest and most favourite addition to my autumn/winter wardrobe...


The Libertines & Bloggers Love Hub!

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I've had my nails done since this photo was taken, I promise ;)

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts over September; I'm definitely going to make more of an effort over October to post a lot more often! October is one of my favourite months, especially as the days get a little chillier and I can finally start layering again!

Today I wanted to share with you my experience seeing The Libertines at Alexandra Palace in London, and also see if anyone else knows much about the Bloggers Love Hub!