

I'm Still Here | Catch-Up

It's scary to think that it's been six months since I've posted on this little blog of mine. I guess I could say I've been busy, but we're all always busy, so instead of boring you with where I've been, I'll bore you with a brief catch-up.

In January I posted my New Years Resolutions, and on reflection, I think I've (partially) stuck by them. I'm definitely not any fitter, but I did finish university with a first in English Literature and Writing, which was my main goal.

What else? I turned 22, went to York for Valentine's Day and to Crete a few days after my last assignment hand in. I said a very teary goodbye to my best friend, who has begun her adventure on the other side of the globe. I got a job as a web content writer, and I lost my camera charger somewhere in a very cluttered hotel room in Amsterdam. I saw Jamie T at Hackney Empire, and I also managed to lose all my BlogLovin followers when I changed my blog URL recently... I'm working on it - hopefully I didn't lose you all!?!

My main aim is to blog a lot more regularly again, because I really do miss the community. I also miss the photography and writing aspects; I love both, but I'm still learning.

If you want to see what I've been up to, you can find me on Instagram and Twitter. The above photo is the view from the hotel we stayed at in Agios Nikolaos (The Hermes, for those wondering).

I hope you've all been well and I'm looking forward to catching up on all your posts that I've missed!


  1. Aw congrats on your first, that's amazing! From reading this sounds like you've had a pretty good year so far (apart from losing your camera charger and bloglovin followers!)

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. thank you! i've managed to replace the camera charger, but i think i'm more upset about my bloglovin followers! i don't know what's going on!

  2. The first years I blogged i did it on and off too. I sometimes still do actually. But I try not too. It's so hard to come back, when you just stopped from one day to the next!

    1. definitely! i've got a blog plan this time though, so hopefully i'll stick to it! x

  3. For the first eight months of blogging, I blogged on and off. I didn't know anything about blogging, followers or posting or commenting. Hell, I posted every two or three months because I didn't know what to do. But hey, we trudged on and you're here now! I'm looking forward to all of your amazing posts! <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

    1. yes - same as me in the early days! i know more about it now but i've always struggled with maintenance! hoping to do better this time! aw thank you, that's so lovely :) xx

  4. You can open a ticket and inform Bloglovin' that you changed your blog url - I moved from Blogger to Squarespace and my updates weren't er, updating on my feed because of that. But they should be able to fix it for you!

    I'm almost always blogging on and off - for me, blogging is more of a hobby than anything so when I feel like I've fallen in a rut I usually don't force myself to blog or else it feels like a chore to me. Good luck on getting back into blogging!

    becky | star violet

    1. not sure if you'll see this, but how long did it take them to get back to you? i've emailed them twice now and tweeted them twice and they haven't responded to anything! my follow count isn't the most important thing but it's quite disheartening to see it go back to 0 when i'd worked hard before to get some interest!

      yeah definitely. blogging should always be fun - never a chore! thank you (:

  5. Welcome back! You have an amazing blog and it seems like you've had some amazing moment this year. I can't wait to see your future posts. That hotel is stunning! :) x

  6. Glad your back! Such a beautiful photo by the way! I can't believe you have managed to stick to your new years resolutions. I can't even remember what half of mine were hahaha! Great little Post! x

    1. ahh thank you sweet! i did have to re-read my own post to remind myself of them :') not good! xxx

  7. Glad your back! Such a beautiful photo by the way! I can't believe you have managed to stick to your new years resolutions. I can't even remember what half of mine were hahaha! Great little Post! x

  8. Congrats on the job! I'm sure you'll get your blog followers back if you e-mail them. I had to do something similar when I changed the name of my fitness blog, it took a few days!

    Corinne x

    1. thank you lovely! oh really - did they mind? that's a really good idea, as i can still see my followers but they can't see me aha!


thank you for all your lovely comments! i read every one and will get back to you all. if you have an urgent question, you can tweet me @elena_vincent and i'll reply much more quickly! xx